The Muses Restor'd

Henselt - Bronsart von Schellendorff: Piano Concertos

The Romantic Piano Concertos - 87

Massenet: Werther (Version Baryton)

Teike: Marches - Vol.1

Mahler: Symphony No.9

Schubert: String Quartets

La Comédie-Française chante Gainsbourg

La Comédie-Française chante Gainsbourg
Varupenne - Pouderoux Comédie-Française Label : ALPHA CLASSICS
Artikelnummer: ALPHA978 1 CD Spielzeit : 056:02
CHF 22.50

Artists: Stéphane Varupenne, Benjamin Lavernhe, Sébastien Pouderoux, Noam Morgensztern, Rebecca Marder, Yoann Gasiorowski // The troupe of the Comédie-Française pays tribute to Serge Gainsbourg in a musical show that has enjoyed great success. 'We have focused on the amorous, sensual side of Gainsbourg. On the one hand, there's the music, on the other, the man himself, with his repartee, his irreverent, subversive spirit . . .'